Now that we're well into February and I have finished discussing everything that happened in 2018, it's time to look ahead into 2019!

Every year I create a Goodreads reading challenge. Last year I set out to read 50 books, and I didn't make it, ending on 47 or some annoying number like that. This year I have once again chosen to make my goal 50 books.
I definitely enjoy certain books more than others, but I want to try and branch out a little bit in my choices. There are so many great books out there. My brother got me a subscription to Book of the Month for Christmas, so hopefully this will force me to read new things.

So far this year I have been to Orlando, Florida which you can read about here if you want and I have a few more trips scheduled.
In March, my sister and I are going to California for a few days to visit some of her friends. We're going to be in the Los Angeles area, so if you have any recommendations for us to see or do, please let me know!
In June, my best friend will be moving to Colorado and asked me to join her on the road trip out there. I said yes, and we're going to take the long way. Our plan is to go from Massachusetts to Nashville, Tennessee to Dallas, Texas to Santa Fe, New Mexico and then make our way into Colorado. We're super excited! Again, I'm always looking for recommendations.
My sister is also in the process of planning a long weekend summer trip to Toronto, Canada. We haven't booked anything yet, but it's being discussed and planned. Whenever we do big, family trips my sister is the one who plans everything.
So far those trips are the only definites I have, and they will certainly help me scratch off a few more locations on my scratch off map and help me towards my goal of visiting all 50 states.

In 2019 I will be graduating from college which is crazy, and later in the year, I will turn 23, which seems very adult.
Originally I was hoping to have a job that I enjoy by the time the year ends, but preferably July. However, some things have changed and now I'm playing around with the idea of going to Graduate School...I might do a longer post on this, but basically, I haven't been sleeping much as I try to figure out my life.
Other than that, I'm just going to see where the year takes me.

Something I hope to continue to grow is my content. This is something I have said so many times, but I think I have a plan to stay on track for this year. I've had this blog for years as a hobby, but I'm starting to want to try to make it more of a business and I've taken some steps to make myself seem more professional.
I recently bought my domain, which is really exciting for me, so welcome to, previously known as
I have deactivated the @writerjewels twitter account because I never used it, but I still have the @juliann_guerra account if you want to follow me there. On Instagram, I did a little bit of rebranding, and you can now find me as @books_travel_life_etc, and I try to post a photo every single day on that account. Here on the blog, my goal is to have at least two posts a month.
I am also toying with the idea of a podcast...I host one at school and really enjoy it, but I don't know what I would talk about on a personal one. It's an idea I'll continue to think about, and I will keep you all posted on what I decide to do.

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