Reading Group: High School+
Personal Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Given Summary: Varsity tennis captain, Ezra Faulkner, was supposed to be homecoming king, but that was before—before his girlfriend cheated on him, before a car accident shattered his leg, and before he fell in love with unpredictable new girl Cassidy Thorpe.
Cover: The cover of this novel is adorned with a roller coaster. There isn't a scene in the story with a roller coaster, so I imagine this cover is meant to remind us that life itself is a roller coaster. There are ups and downs, and stuff that throws us for a loop. Things happen in life that we don't always like or expect, but we can all make it through. The cover also says, "Everyone gets a tragedy." No ones life is perfect and bad things happen to everyone. They may range in what you consider tragic, but everyones got baggage that they live with everyday.
My Review: I really enjoyed this novel. It was a story that was very real. I mean, it is fiction, so of course there were some coincidences, but even those were things that could very well happen. Ezra falls in love with the sister of the boy who crashed into his car and altered his life forever. But if the two of them had grown up in the same area and she was new to the public school that could very well happen. It would be a bit more of a stretch if she moved to his town. The theme of friendship is very big in this story. I think especially towards the end of high school you realize what friends are part-time and what friends are full-time. And it's super common to lose touch with someone in middle school and then reunite with them in high school, even if you see them every day. You guys know how I feel about happily ever afters and this book did that sneaky thing where it ends happy, but not with the two characters together. That kind of bothers me because I feel tricked. I also know that not every high school couple stays together and it's probably more common that they don't, but I am a complete sap and wanted Ezra and Cassidy to be together forever, okay. This novel is definitely worth the read and if you read it please let me know what you think!
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